I Asked for Wonder

Imagination, wonder, amazement. Attitudes that add zest to our lives — and train us in spiritual sight and insight.

How can we cultivate an attitude of wonder? In this 25-minute video, Kabbalah: Wisdom Hidden in Plain Sight, I offer a few first steps.

This talk was presented at Unity of Vancouver, March 19, 2017.

  1. After going through so many episodes of depression, I have to admit I never lost my sense of wonder. Which is what I call a blessing. Depression was and will probably be, the curses. If one is necessary for the other to exist, then I caccept both remembering that “This too will pass!”.

    I had this wonderful experience when I was about 15 years old during a biology class, where the teacher was explaining the physiology of the internal ear.

    I saw the perfection and at the same time the fragility of this small part of the human body. I realized that behind this was a plan written in two cells that can’t be seen with the naked eye. I understood that just a tiny little mishap can make everything go wrong. Then I had this comforting certitude “It is impossible NOT to believe in G-d”.

    And this certitude became such a balm for my tortured soul.

    1. Michele, what a beautiful message! Perhaps one gift of depression is that, as your mood changes, you see the world as if through different eyes at different times.
      Regarding your insight into the intricacy of the body’s design, I was just reading a book about religious experience that describes the author’s similar experience of seeing an order where previously there had seemed to be none. Thanks so much for commenting!

  2. That was a wonderful talk, Rabbi. It is the clearest explanation of the four kinds of meaning in Torah that I have encountered. As well, you reminded me of Heschel’s radical amazement, a reminder that I needed. As I revise my Hagada this year, I will be thinking in terms of that ladder and its gifts. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for these lovely comments. Perhaps you can let me know what is sparked in your thoughts over the coming weeks as I, too, prepare for Pesach!

  3. Laura, I love your stories of how we can see existence in a vivid and more spectacular and magical way. It seems to be the lens through which you see the world is multi coloured and multi layered and allows you to bring such a rich perception to others. Radical amazement can be challenged by stress and anxiety and worry about the world. You’ve inspired me today not to take that road but instead to grab my camera, go to the forest and say hello to some bugs, birds, springs and trees. Bless you!

    1. Thanks, Lorraine, for the lovely comment! I hope the world inspires some beautiful photos.

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