Day 22: Chesed she’b’Netzach, Love within Endurance QUESTIONS How are your Omer reflections and practices landing? Where inside you do…
Category: Dreams
Omer 17, A Numinous Dream

Day 17: Tiferet she’b’Tiferet, Beauty within Beauty TEXT STUDY They said to him, “We dreamed a dream, but there is…
Balaam: A Seer in Training

Balaam, star of Parshat Balak (Num 22:2-25:9) . He’s a seer, alright. Just not a great one. He certainly receives…
Afterlife: Omer 46

Netzach: eternity. Malchut or Shechinah: close divine spiritual presence. I think about the afterlife sometimes. As in life after death.…
Repetition: Omer 20

Yesod. Foundation. Tiferet. Beauty. Yesod she’b’Tiferet. Foundation of Beauty. What’s the foundation of a beautiful soul? Repetition. Not the kind…
Attachment: Omer 18

Netzach: Enduring, Lasting. Tiferet: Beauty. Netzach she’b’Tiferet: Lasting beauty. Wanting beautiful things to last forever. Isn’t that a kind of…
Numinous Beauty: Omer 17

Tiferet: Beauty. Tiferet she’b’Tiferet: Beauty within beauty. The ultimate. The heart of the tree of sefirot. Some say the vibe…
Infinity: God in My Soul

Infinity: A perfect topic for my interview on this innovative podcast. It’s called PTR: Philosophy, Theology, and Religious studies. Or,…
New Citizen of Canada: Time for a Life Review

This week I became a citizen of Canada. But the journey began sixteen years ago. With a Sunday morning dream.…