Watch a fantastic book discussion, sponsored by the Charter for Compassion. Thank you, everyone, for asking such thoughtful questions about…
Category: Ecospirituality
Tachash: Protected Species

Tachash. The mystery animal in this week’s Torah reading. Could it be from an extinct species? Meet the Tachash Here’s…
Hanukah Highlights

Happy Hanukah! Chanukah! Hanukkah! What would you like to reflect on this Hanukah? Kabbalah? Menorah? Antisemitism? Violence? Feminism? Sustainability? Elephants?…
Omer 20 Beauty Again, Again

Day 20: Yesod she’b’Tiferet, Foundation within Beauty TEXT STUDY The sun rises, and the sun sets And glides back to…
Amazement: Omer 19

Hod. Gratitude. Tiferet. Beauty. Hod she’b’Tiferet. Gratitude in beauty. It’s spring in the rain forest. So, I get to see…
Creative Meditation

A creative meditation. Designed to connect you with the creative resources in your own psyche. It’s based on a creative…